Next week's Live Spotlight: TÓ TRIPS - August 16th - Museu do Chiado

Half of the Portuguese mystery-blues duo Dead Combo, TÓ TRIPS is an extraordinary guitarist. Cutting his teeth with 90's alt-rock band Lulu Blind, his musical vision only came to fruition on Dead Combo, where influences like Marc Ribot and Tom Waits are mixed with the feeling of Fado and African tinges.
After the release of Guitarra 66 (his first solo album) where he swaps electric for classical guitar, Trips has been dividing his time between Dead Combo and solo gigs. Next Friday, you'll have a shot at experiencing Tó Trips live at Museu do Chiado, Lisbon's contemporary art museum, for free.

MNAC - Museu do Chiado -> location of the venue
August 16th (friday), 19:30
Free entrance