Vitor Nunes is the caretaker of this incredible vault, where you can find anything from SST hardcore original pressings to freejazz classics, Beatles rarities to asian prog-rock curiosities, you name it! And the stock is constantly being renewed! Prices are absolutely fair, and there are pretty good odds that you'll find a bargain.
Though it only stocks used vinyl, DISCOLECÇÃO is the kind of store where the real vinyl collector will always want to come back to.
Though it only stocks used vinyl, DISCOLECÇÃO is the kind of store where the real vinyl collector will always want to come back to.
Calçada do Duque, 53-A
1200-156 Lisboa
Opening hours:
Mon. to Fri. - 13:00 to 20:00
Sat. - 11:00 to 19:00
Closed on Sundays